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Partners & Supporters
We exist to build a more equitable, vibrant, and forward-looking economy by elevating diverse entrepreneurs, but we can't do it without you.
Are you ready to invest in the future of Tucson?
Our core belief is that collaboration across the innovation ecosystem is the best way to help entrepreneurs, grow our city's economy, and transform the narrative of our region.
We have deep respect for the incredible diversity of entrepreneurial support organizations in our city and we are honored to partner with an incredible group of innovation leaders.
We have found that having formalized partnerships is the best way to have the greatest impact, achieve our mutual goals, and streamline efforts on both sides. We would love to explore what a partnership would look like with your organization and how we can help each other succeed and grow.
Community Investment Corporation
University of arizona center for innovation
local first arizona
Southern Arizona
University of Arizona
current supporters
Through the generous support of our current supporters, Startup Tucson has helped build an ecosystem in which startups and their founders are a driving force for an exceptional future for Tucson.
Together we can work to move the needle on meaningful development, civic engagement, and upward mobility opportunities for our whole community.
US Department of Agriculture grant
Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program
US Economic Development Administration Grant
Build to Scale: Capital Challenge
city of tucson:
economic initiatives
local first arizona:
az navigator
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