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IdeaFunding – Idea Stage Winner: TopWipe

If you don’t know already, one of the Startup Tucson team moved here from France. And while there I had the pleasure of living a life with bidets. There weren’t in every home I visited but I took advantage of them when one “presented itself.” And with recent articles (there are a plethora) on the advantages of bidets, I was happy to see one of IdeaFunding’s early morning Pitch winners on October 16th at the TCC was TopWipe, which is a first-to-market patented dispenser for flushable wet wipes. Wet wipes are America’s introduction to the concept of cleaning with anything other than dry paper.

As a nation, we’ve embraced baby wipes and used them for more purposes than baby’s bottoms. Started in Tucson, we’ll have a chance to make our town another trending leader in another aspect of our health-conscious nation. The Top Wipe Dispenser is a plastic toilet paper holder with space to hold a wet-wipe, cleansing gel, and air freshener. This group is ready to set a new bathroom standard and become the highly successful multi-million dollar company it can be.

Run out today and show why TopWipe was the clear choice for the $1000 Idea-stage Award, sponsored by TEP, at this year’s IdeaFunding Startup Showcase.

— Courtney Pulitzer Joubeaud

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