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Mentor Agreement

Strong mentorship is an essential part of any successful business.

At Startup Tucson we have worked with experienced mentors and entrepreneurs to build a mentorship program that is positive for both. 

As a mentor, advisor, coach or expert in any of Startup Tucson’s Programs including Action Advising, On-Demand Experts and Workshops or any training related to IdeaFunding, you agree to the following:

Best Effort:

  • Mentors will make their best effort to provide good and timely advice to the entrepreneur.



  • Please keep in mind, mentor relationships are built on trust. As such, mentors will maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information of the entrepreneur and any other information that the entrepreneur asks the mentor to keep confidential. Certain information may be discussed with the Startup Tucson team. 


Financial Interest:

  • Mentors are volunteers. Mentors are not in an employment or similar relationship with Startup Tucson or the entrepreneurs and shall receive no financial compensation for their work with companies they are advising. Mentors are not covered by Startup Tucson insurance for claims arising out of volunteer mentor advice given to entrepreneurs.

  • Mentors shall have no financial interest in a mentored company while they are serving as mentors for a Startup Tucson lead program. Mentors may transition from mentor status to a different status with a financial interest (such as advisor or board member with equity), but this should be an explicit transition with full information disclosed in advance of the transition to Startup Tucson.

  • If the relationship between an entrepreneur and mentor transitions to one in which the mentor will make an investment or otherwise have a financial interest, the mentor will ensure that there is a written contract in place, the terms of said contract having been determined and agreed to by the entrepreneur, said financial interest has been communicated in advance to Startup Tucson and that entrepreneur has sought and received disinterested competent advice before entering into the contract all as evidenced by the completion of an intent to invest disclosure form.


Conflict of Interest:

  • Mentors should disclose to Startup Tucson any possible or potential conflicts in any mentoring relationship. Mentors will not engage in any relationships where their interests may conflict with the interests of a mentee team (including but not limited to the items listed under “Financial interest” above).



  • Mentors shall make best effort to keep Startup Tucson informed of the status of their mentoring relationship and any changes in that relationship.



  • Entrepreneurs use or do not use mentor advice in their sole discretion and as such neither mentors nor Startup Tucson have any liability whatsoever for an entrepreneurs’ ultimate business decisions.


Professional Relationship:

  • A professional relationship between mentors and entrepreneurs should be maintained at all times and proper business etiquette shall be practiced.



  • Mentors should not solicit for any services or products (that is, not sell any products or services to the mentees) while acting in an advisory capacity.


Zero Tolerance Policy:

  • Startup Tucson has a zero tolerance policy as it relates to any complaints or notice of improper conduct, discrimination or harassment. Please refer to our Code of Conduct. 

Mentor/Advisor Agreement 

As a mentor for Startup Tucson, I agree to all points above and understand that if I am found to be in violation of any of these terms, Startup Tucson may remove me from the mentor program.

Thanks for submitting!

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