Excellent feature article and wrap up about the IdeaFunding 2021. After a year like none other, the Tucson tech scene continues to grow.

"Like many businesses, Tucson entrepreneur Soroosh Hedayati was forced to make a hard pivot from his budding museum-exhibit business last year when COVID-19 all but shut down the attractions industry. Now, Hedayati is looking to grow an offshoot business, Micro Safari, offering kits that combine self-contained, micro-ecosystems with mobile phone microscopy in a new twist on the time-honored ant farm. And he’s ready to jump-start his company after winning the main-stage competition at IdeaFunding, an annual Tucson business-pitch event held virtually on April 15."
Read the complete article here: https://tucson.com/business/tucson-tech-new-twist-on-ant-farm-wins-pitch-at-ideafunding-event/article_6bc5fafa-ad02-11eb-b33a-dfbb8d435b74.html