From education, networking and mentoring to a
state-of-the-art prototyping and content creation studio,
Startup Tucson offers entrepreneurs free or low cost access to the resources they need to succeed.

Surrounding yourself with peers and mentors is a critical ingredient for entrepreneurial success at every stage. Startup Tucson hosts a number of opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals to keep you learning, connecting, and growing. Over 3,000 folks a year engage in our networking events.
Startup Drinks | A fun, free, evening networking event for entrepreneurs |
Network Membership Program | A free membership program with loads of perks, including access to a digital networking platform. |
TENWEST Impact Festival | Premier professional development festival brings together hundreds of community leaders over multiple days to discover your role in creating impact. |
Central to our work is providing high-quality entrepreneurial education programs at a low cost so they are accessible to all. Below is a quick summary of our signature educational programs.
Startup 101 | Startup 101 is our free introductory course -- a perfect starting point to design, iterate, and tinker with a new product, service, or company you are building. After completing this course, you are eligible for the free Network Membership. |
Startup Fundamentals | This one-day workshop provides a foundational footing to launch or grow your company at an affordable cost. One of the best parts of this program is that we have mentors with us for the duration of the day, giving lots of opportunity for feedback and idea sharing. |
Pre-Accelerator | Offering early-stage entrepreneurs a multi-week program spanning business planning, financials, marketing, and more, designed to refine your business model and accelerate growth through expert-led sessions, mentorship, and community support. |
Launch Lab | The Media & Design Lab has equipment, software, and technical experts on hand for rich media content and prototyping. |
Prototyping Masterclass | If your company is looking to expand or launch new product offerings, this digital masterclass will provide you with the tools you need to be successful. |
eCommerce Masterclass | Learn strategies to build and manage effective customer pipelines using eCommerce to increases efficiency and level-up revenue streams. |
Action Advisor Program | Network Members can schedule "office hours" with our Action Advisors who are subject matter experts to get specific guidance on a variety of business topics. |
IdeaFunding | IdeaFunding is a full day conference and pitch competition for entrepreneurs with hundreds of business leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs. It is part of TENWEST Impact Festival. |
As the hub of entrepreneurial ecosystem, Startup Tucson seeks to make meaningful connections simple and easy for entrepreneurs and community members alike. Below are some easy ways to plug in.
Launch Lab | Eligible program participants have free access to the prototyping studio and media studio to help support their growth. |
Tucson Digital Resource Guide | We have created a user-friendly guide of the resources and organizations that support entrepreneurs to make it easier for you to navigate and get the help you need. |
Startup Tucson Bulletin | Sign up for monthly entrepreneurial ecosystem community news and updates. |
Startup Tucson Blogs | Follow our blog to stay informed on developments in our startup community. |
Business Resource Library | Network Members can access a comprehensive and curated resource library of templates, tools, videos, literature, and databases to help you on your entrepreneurial journey. |
Additional Initiatives
Our team consistently innovates to launch programs and initiatives to respond to specific emerging needs and communities. Below are some of these special projects we are working on.
Crowdfunding Support | Startup Tucson, together with our partner Community Investment Corporation, assists startups seeking crowdfunding through platforms such as WeFunder and Kiva. We work with you to structure, plan, and execute an effective campaign. |
Tucson Innovation Partnership | Startup Tucson chairs an informal group that helps build collaboration and connections among ecosystem stakeholders, for a stronger system of supports for entrepreneurs. |
Tucson Metro Chamber Discount | Startup Tucson and Tucson Metro Chamber have partnered up to help eligible connect new startup companies access the many benefits of the Chamber for $150 for the first year. |